Wednesday 15 February 2012

Tickling my Dog - Dink [starttext]great video lol. Even tho your dog was trying 'GTFO' it was soooo cute [endtext]

Dog Tickling [starttext] I'm laughing like a freaking psycho over something that really isn't all that funny. And the sad part is, I think this is the greatest thing I've ever seen. LOL [endtext]

Boston Terrier dog likes his belly tickled! Funny face ~ CUTE! [starttext]It's really cute but also kind of sad since this is a result of inbreeding and artificial selection. They have too much tissue in their soft palate for the size of their head so they end up with weird breathing issues. [endtext]

Saturday 4 February 2012

Gaki No Tsukai Airport: Funny Moment [starttext], it could just be the outfit he's wearing, they all look stuffy, whatever that means [endtext]

lotion stairs 1. Japanese game show. [starttext]Anyone noticed that the guy at the top was skiing down the stairs for a bit starting from 5:05? [endtext]

Latest Japanese 100 people after the whole ancient programs, smile to tears. A buried.flv [starttext]trolling: lvl asian :)) [endtext]

Japan Funny Show: Slippery Climb [starttext] its funny when the men pulled the women's pants down [endtext]